Charles : Hello students! I hear there is an English Festival? Student 1: Yes, it will be great fun! Charles: But what is the English festival? What do we do? Student 2: We will have some matches. Singing English songs and writing in English. Charles: Oh great! Do you know some English songs? Student 1: Yes, I know a few English songs! Charles: is your writing in English good? Student 2: Yes, I think my writing is good! Charles: Great, then you can win the singing match. Student 1: I will try, I will start to practice. Charles: and you can be the best writer! Student 2: I will also try my best! Charles: But who can come to the English Festival? Student 1: Grade 7 students, Grade 8 students, and Grade 9 students Student 2: Everyone can come! All are welcome! Charles: Wow great. I hope I can see many of your classmates. Student 1: Yes I think many people will come. Student 2: We can all get better at English. Charles: What will we do after the English festival is over? Student 1: we should keep studying English. Charles: Good idea, even I can still learn more English. Student 2: Yes, we can all help each other improve! Charles: Well then. Let the English festival Begin Student 1: Let the English festival Begin! (same time as student 2) Student 2: Let the English festival Begin! (same time as student 1)