Good morning everyone. 大家早上好。 It has been a long time since I have spoken here.自从我上次站在这里演讲,已经过去很久了。 I wanted to be able to speak Chinese. 我一直期待能用中文在这里演讲。 But I still have a lot more to learn.但我还有很多要学的东西。 Next time I will speak mostly in Chinese.下次我的演讲将大多会使用中文。 This week is very important in America.这一周在美国十分重要。 The Christmas holiday is loved by many people. 许多人都十分喜欢圣诞假日。 Christmas is one week before the new year. 圣诞节在新年前一周来临。 So it is a good time to see friends and family that were difficult to see during the year. 此时,大家能看到一年都很难相见的朋友和家人,因此这是非常美好的时光。 This will give you great energy to start the next year. 圣诞节能给人带来满满的正能量,激励人们更好地开启新的一年。 Christmas is also about giving. 圣诞节也是给予的节日。 To give a gift means someone else's happiness is important to you.你送别人礼物,意味着他们的幸福对你来说很重要。 I do not think gifts are important.当然,我倒觉得礼物轻重不很重要。 What is good to make a little extra effort to help each other. 重要的是,你尝试付出努力,互赠礼物,相互帮助,传递爱心。 So if you want to join the Christmas spirit I have a little advice. 所以,如果你也想追随圣诞节的潮流,理解圣诞节的真正意义,让我来给大家提点小建议。 Three gifts we can give that are free:Attention, time, and kindness. 我们能送三样免费的礼物:那就是关怀,陪伴和友好。 I am far from my family but I am not sad. 今年圣诞,我远离我的家人,但我并不难过。 I receive the gifts of time, attention, and kindness everyday here at Qinye. 因为我每天,在这里,在勤业中学,收到来自大家的礼物,就是关怀、陪伴和友好。 Thank you all, Merry Christmas.谢谢大家,圣诞快乐!